
Brother-other: (25), (26), (31).
"Love your brother like your thought"; " throw the speck out of your brother's eye"; "It does not happen that prophet is accepted in his countryside."
Brother (singular) is the other man nearby, the one you use for yourself as a physician and a prophet (31).
- Under the influence of your models and attachments, you have a thought in the form of a daydreaming/remembering, which distorts the records of experience. Ask the man who is nearby (your brother) so that with his thought and his eye he will help you to awareness and clear (correct) the records of your experience in order to return to reality. The other is not made a brother (is not made your thought and your eye) automatically. You need to make him so by efforts.
- A man may not see himself correctly from the side of others, he may fantasize a false view of himself by others. This attribution of notions about "himself" to others (people, animals, images) is a daydreaming/remembering, that is, a variety of thought created by any model from the records of experience. Because of this attribution of notions about "himself" to others, there arise suspiciousness, buffers, archetypes and stereotypes, cognitive distortions, etc. That is why other (brother) is needed.

Constancy: (11), (19), (27), (33), (38), (42), (50), (51), (60), (64), (76), (79), (86), (90), (92).
- "It is a change (along) with a constancy": processing seeds-occasions while being in a strong point, which is in constancy (60).
- In order to break away from contacts with the computer, TV, as well as from conversations, that is, from all seeds-occasions that give delays which produce a thought in the form of a daydreaming/remembering (filling with darkness (61)), you need to return to constancy-royalty-reality (in the here and now), instantly process seeds-occasions by 5 trees and be filled with the light of self-awareness.
- Being in constancy gives instant processing of seeds-occasions, devastation and - variety. But the delays on the seeds-occasions become attachments, because of which - monotony.

Corpus-world: (7), (8), (10), (11), (16), (21), (22), (24), (27), (28), (29), (56), (70), (80), (87), (110), (111).
{ ⲥⲁⲣⲝ } — the organism has become because of experience, which (experience) has become because of the physical corpus-world-corpse (ⲡ ⲥⲱⲙⲁ) (29).
{ ⲡ ⲥⲱⲙⲁ } — the physical corpus-world-corpse (80), (56) now, which exists for the light of self-awareness and man.
{ ⲟⲩ ⲥⲱⲙⲁ } in (87) is the concept about the corpus-world in the mind, which should be instantaneous. Or: the concept about the corpus-world as an extension of man. A delay on the corpus-world instead of an instant concept about it, or the concept about a corpus-world separate from a man creates a thought in the form of daydreaming (fear) and remembering (fear), which distorts experience, because of which the organism gets damaged as a derivative of the corpus-world and experience.
- The world is the outside with respect to 5 trees, secondary corpus-corpse that does not have qualia - video, sound, taste, force and touch. What is dead, and from what you make the one who lives (11). It initially create by the light of self-awareness: the light of self-awareness, 5 trees → corpus-world → experience → organism → thought. The transition from 5 trees to the corpus-world is similar to the wave function collapse, but not a collapse, but a deployment.
- The physical body of a man - an organism - is a part of the world and, accordingly, a part of the unified continuation of a man. "I established a footing for myself in the middle of the world, and I showed up to them in organism" (28). Possibly, (101).
- The world is a necessary environment for a man, without the world a man cannot be a man as such (11) just like without an organism. But man must be ahead of the world, reign over the world from the inside, from now. If the goals are outside, in the past and future (a thought in the form of a daydreaming/remembering, generating by records-attachments and records-models), the world takes possession of a man through the seeds-occasions for delays-attachments ("robbers") (21), (35), (103). The more instant processings by 5 trees, the less delays-attachments - the less the power of the world.
- Parts of the corpus-world for a man are also other people, who, accordingly, can become seeds-occasions sending either by the light of self-awareness, or by models (by enemy), and turning by a man into: gathered by birds; into experience; into attachments; into instantly processed by 5 trees (into the emptiness to be filled with the light of self-awareness) (9).
Also, other man can be for you these: a thought and an eye (25); an ordinary man, guided by ordinary models (84); the son of the light of self-awareness (50) - the disciple - whom you see orienting himself to the model of the light of self-awareness as the father.
- By the way, a machine will be able to gain "social self-consciousness" only if for it contact with a specific man becomes a seed-occasion either for delay or for instant processing by 5 trees for devastation, to be filled with the light of self-awareness. But machine does not have 5 trees, because it cannot distinguish color from smell, etc. as such - it does not need to process seeds-occasions, therefore it does not have an organism with eyes, ears, etc. See (67): "if he loses himself, he loses the all place." Also: the machine in itself does not need life, otherwise it would have produced itself; the machine is the corpus-world as a continuation of man.

Delays-attachments: (9), (21), (44), (45), (47), (57), (63), (68), (69), (93), (95).
- Opposite of timely reaping of the fruit (of instant processing of seeds-occasions by 5 trees) in (21), (9).
- From the delays on the seeds-occasions, records-attachments arise in the mind (as opposed to experience that is pure records in the corpus-world), which, also like models, produce a thought in the form of a daydreaming/remembering. Daydreaming/remembering distorts the experience, which contribute to emergence of new delays (anti-circle).

Experience: (14), (29), (44), (53), (93), (114).
In the original - ⲡ ⲡⲛ̄ⲁ̄ (πνεῦμα) (masculine).
- Experience is unconscious or intentional records of real feedbacks. These records are located in the corpus-world (traces, signs, words), that is, they are not only mental, but also genetic, etc. An example of experience as unconscious record: a green onion that has grown and acquired certain properties precisely because of experience (genetic records).
- The records of the words without real feedbacks is just knowledge. The records about a designed object that actually exists in its initial stage are description.
- Awareness of the records of experience, operating with them using the quinary system (imagination based on combinations of 5 trees) and correcting them - this is a thought.
-- The word "experience" occurs in 5 fragments:(14) - "you will make from an evil your experiences"; (29) - "the organism has become because of experience... experience [has become] because of the corpus"; (44) - "the one who generates one to the experience that is pure"; (53) - "the real circumcision in experience"; (114) - "Behold, I will pull her in order to make from her man, so that she, for her part, becomes a living experience, resembling you men."
- Attachments and models can produce a thought in the form of a daydreaming/remembering (pigs, dogs (93)) that distorts experience.

This topic does not include references to those fragments that refer to the expression "royalty of the father", although in essence it means the same.
Actually, about the father as a character nowhere is it said, but only about the relationship of someone to the father: "you are the sons of the father who lives", "the one who is there is your father", "with the outer side of the father", "the one who generates one to the father", "we are the select of the father who lives", "what is the sign of your father in you?", "they gave me from those who are mine of my father", "those who are there have recognized the father in a reality", "those who have heard the directive of the father", "the model of the light of the father", "the wish of my father".
That is, "the father" in this teaching is not an acting subject, but an attribute of the light of self-awareness, characterizing him as the beginning, the reason for life, giving a directive, etc.
- Model of the light of self-awareness as the father (83): when you sit in a comfortable house and you look at the beautiful rain outside the window - you are the father; when you go out into the rain - you are the son; but both at the same time. This periodicity is mentioned in (50): "It is a change (along) with a constancy", as well as in (44): "The one who generates one to the father will get rid of them. And the one who generates one to the son will get rid of them."
It is pleasant to play with a smartphone, but it should be more pleasant to play with yourself (with man) in the same way as with a smartphone, that is, to control yourself from the side of the light of self-awareness.

Those fragments that talk about Jesus, or where he talks about himself.
- Jesus is the light of self-awareness (the opened up model of the light of self-awareness as the father (83)), father and son "1—2", teacher, etc.
- In (77) Jesus says: "I am the light, this one who is over them all. I am the all. The all came forth from me and the all reached me." And since the light of self-awareness is not a substance, but a state of a man, then, accordingly, Jesus is also a state of a man. See also (37): "...then you will see the son of the one who lives, and you will not be afraid."
- Jesus is too real and too in the present for people who daydreaming/remembering to be able to see themselves as him.
- Jesus as a twin: the discovery of yourself as one who understands the meaning of his sayings - yourself as the twin of Jesus - yourself as Jesus.
- Jesus and sayings: "His disciples said to him: Who are you to pronounce these to us? In those that I pronounce to you." (43). And also: "The one who drinks from my mouth will become (to exist) with my method." (108). The sayings of Jesus now read by a man are what happens to a man in the initial (18). Jesus does not create with his sayings seeds-occasions for delays.
- Jesus is a teacher in everyone who is a disciple, therefore none of the disciples (sons of the light of self-awareness) can be a teacher for another. A man teaches himself through the seeds-occasions that the light of self-awareness (Jesus who is in him) sows.

Lives who lives: (Foreword), (3), (11), (37), (38), (50), (52), (56), (58), (59), (60), (61), (91), (92), (111).
- Actually, "the one who lives" lives now, in the initial, that is, always, and not "while he lives" or "now he began to live". He lives - it happens only in the present; anxiety about a non-existent "past" and "future" is wrong. The non-existence of man does not exist.

Man-house: (16), (21), (31), (33), (35), (48), (66), (71), (98), (103).
Penetration inside robbers (seeds-occasions for delays on them). Harmony in the house. The owner in the house. It does not happen that prophet is in his countryside. Proclaim on the roofs. I will turn house over. The sword in his house.

The mind is the thought center of man; is what a man thinks with (is not only the cerebrum); "the all place", in a sense the feeling of "yourself", "the scheme of the body" (67); place for concepts (87). But not memory.
- A man must, in a state of royalty, processes seeds-occasions by 5 trees, that is, reaps - immediately, in the primacy (21), for devastation. Otherwise, delays-attachments to these seeds-occasions will arise in his mind, which (delays-attachments) will create a thought in the form of a daydreaming/remembering, which (thought) again will contribute to the emergence of delays-attachments in the mind, and so - anti-circle after anti-circle.
- Food and air in the digestive and respiratory systems are taken in, processed and excreted. Similar processes should take place with the seeds-occasions sown in the mind - with the help of 5 trees. This is especially evident in (69), where it is said directly about hunger (emptiness). "Eaten-inhaled" seeds-occasions must immediately turn into emptiness, so that a man is filled with the light of self-awareness (9), (61). But because of thought in the form of a daydreaming/remembering, the seeds-occasions turn into delays, accumulate in the mind and occupy a greater part of it (45), forcing a man to pronounce or do something in order to delay on the seeds-occasions again.
Thus, this man can also become a sower of seeds-occasions for other people so that they delay on them - then this man becomes part of the world - is eaten by a lion (7). At the same time, he becomes unable to instantly process the seeds-occasions by 5 trees and become empty to be filled with the light of self-awareness.
- So, it is desirable for a man to be guided by a treasury with the necessary-useful (45). And in the greater part of mind (45), with the help of the primacy, the owner in house, great strength (21) there must be maintained thirst (28) and hunger (69), that is, as little thought as possible in the form of daydreaming/remembering, which (thought) is initiated by delays-attachments and models.

Variants of εἰκών: picture, guise, icon, sample, image, likeness, representation, description, form, sculpture, portrait, imitation, type...
"Scheme", "project"? But a project is something that is invented, a scheme is something that describes, and a model is ready and real.
- Models, like attachments, are records in the mind (as opposed to experience, which is pure records in the corpus-world). But models are products of humanity (46), so they are not acquired and do not die. They guide a man as behavioral patterns. Representation of yourself in relation to other people. The feeling of belonging to any group. Can be used as buffers. Archetypes common to all humanity. Professions can also be models.
- The word occurs in 4 fragments, in 3 variants: indefinite article, feminine, plural:
1) (22) "When you make ... a foot to the place of a foot, - a model (indefinite article) to the place of a model (indefinite article)..."
2) (50) "[The light] showed up in their model (feminine)."
3) (83) "The models (pl.) are show up to the man. And the light who is among them is hidden in the model (feminine) of the light of the father. He will open up, and his model (feminine) is hidden by his light." "The model of the light of the father" is written slightly differently: ⲑⲓⲕⲱⲛ - with an embedded feminine definite article.
4) (84) "But when you see your models (pl.) that have become on your primacy - it does not supposed to them either die nor show up..."
- So, according to (84), "it does not supposed to [models] either die nor show up." Models are a set of records of reactions to situations and heroes common to all humanity. A man cannot do something with them (destroy, change). But he can see them, and sometimes even choose which one to guided by at the moment.
Models "show up" or do not "show up" (influence or do not influence actions of a man) depending on the state of a man (22), (84). Ideally, a man should be guided at every moment by the model of the light of self-awareness as the father, in order to be filled with the light of self-awareness (61) ("his model is hidden by his light" (83)).
- Any other man is a part of your corpus-world, and his interaction with you is a seed-occasion sent either by a mutual set of your models, or by the model of the light of self-awareness as the father, if you are guided by it (57).
- From man's treasury (45), the model of the light of self-awareness as the father ("good") brings "necessary-useful". From the treasury that is in his mind (in the "greater part"), many other models, as well as attachments ("evil") bring, pronounce and bring out "superfluous-harmful".
- A man's adherence to one or another model (including professions as models) creates a thought in the form of a daydreaming/remembering, which distorts the records of experience and contributes to delays on the seeds-occasions.
- After committing a crime, as well as after killings in the war, the influence of models as buffers increases significantly in a man: "guilty", "criminal", "who didn't know", "hero", etc. These models become so strong that they can make it impossible to see the model of the light of self-awareness as the father. An exception is killing to protect against an aggressor, which can give devastation to fill with the light of self-awareness.
- Usually people are a balance of the influence of models and attachments (21). For example, in a state of alcoholic intoxication, there is a weakening of the influence of models (carnival) and an increase in attachments. Alcoholism is the need to reduce the influence of any model. On the contrary, under the influence of external information (of seeds-occasions for delay), for example, propaganda, or with strong false view of himself by others, attachments can be weakened and influences of models can be strengthened.
- A man's adherence to one or another model can contribute to the emergence of superfluous affairs, acquaintances, hobbies and other circumstances (57).
- The inconsistency of the sown seeds-occasions of thought in the form of a daydreaming/remembering created by one or another model can cause a man to reject these seeds-occasions ("bad mood"), and hence the lack of devastation for filling with the light of self-awareness (57), (65).
- Showing out a certain model as an affectation: unconsciously changing the model to be guided by it, depending on who you are communicating with at the moment - this is chameleonism. It leads to being "in the waiting for the need" (21) (and to the anti-circle).
Consciously, in the primacy, it is impossible to focus on any model, with the exception of the model of the light of self-awareness as the father (22).
This is not to say that there should be no theaters or videos with actors. But the actor's task is to convey the author's thoughts to the viewer while overcoming the influence of real conventional models. And if he demonstrates how he is guided by real conventional models or attachments (the occupation of many vloggers), he "pronounces many superfluous-harmful", that is, words or actions for delays of other people on them (45).
- Depending on the orientation of different people to their different models, the same man may appear different for them (13). For some, he will be a teacher, for others - a child, a boss, a servant, an authority, a fool, etc., or even completely invisible. Examples are found in the christian gospels; one may also remember Gurdjieff on the train.

Organism: (28), (29), (112).
- An organism is a biological component of a man and a part of the corpus-world.
5 trees → corpus-world → experience (genes, etc.) → organism → thought.
Experience is records of real feedbacks. A living organism is one that is capable of using experience, that is, not the feedbacks themselves, but records about them, in order to create feedbacks again.

- Also: to predetermine, the initial.
- To do ahead of the corpus-world. Do not allow delays on seeds-occasions. Constantly be in the initial (18).

The Coptic word ⲙⲛⲧⲣⲣⲟ (feminine) is generally translated as "kingdom". But ⲙⲛⲧ gives a feminine, and also, if in Russian, the ending "ost", therefore the exact translation is "royalty". There are three more words in the text, formed in the same way: poverty, wealth, womanhood.
- Jesus himself immediately, at the very beginning in (3) gives an unambiguous explanation that this term does not mean territory, space, posthumous state, but the inner strength, the activity of a living man. Likewise, "the royalty of the father" is about the inner activity of the man himself as the father, beginning, primacy, giving life, giving a directive, etc.
- The work of 5 trees is constantly instantaneous, in contrast to the passive delay on seeds-occasions. If a man processes seeds-occasions first, this is royalty. If he delays on seeds-occasions after the thought comes first in the form of a daydreaming/remembering, which is produced by attachments and models, this is poverty.
- The word "royalty" in the text is either one, or "of the father", or "of the heavens". In combination with "of God" occurs only in the Oxyrhynchus version (twice) (which indicates its later origin, since there is no such topic as "god" in the records of Thomas).
"Royalty of the father" occurs 7 times: (57), (76), (96), (97), (98), (99), (113). (In (99) - "royalty of my father.") Moreover, this begins precisely after the condemnation of the expression "royalty of the heavens" in (54), and before that simply "royalty" is used.
The expression "royalty of the father" is used only in those fragments (with the exception of (99) and (113)), where the explanation of this expression is given: "The royalty of the father is comparable to ... ( man, woman)", that is, where the answer to the question "what is royalty?"
"Royalty of the heavens" occurs 3 times: (20), (54), (114). And what do we see: in (20) these words are spoken by the disciples, not by Jesus; fragment (54) is most likely turned upside down, and if so, then "heavens" in it is used by Jesus in an ironic sense; and finally, Jesus' use of this expression in (114) can be neglected because of doubts about the origin of this fragment. Also, in many fragments where there are words "sky", "heavens", they are used in the usual material or figurative meaning, and they are not clothed in any sacred meaning.
- So, the term "royalty" or "royalty of the father" denote the state of a man. But not just a state, but the lighting by a man "to the all world" with the light of self-awareness "from" a strong point - from the father as from yourself ("1—2"), in primacy: "There exists light inside a man of light, and he lights to the all world" (24).
- Unlike the christian gospels, there is no father in the records of Thomas as an external force actively "with love" assisting the ward ("if his son asks for bread", "but when he was still a great way off, his father saw him and had compassion", "for your Father knows the things you have need of before you ask Him," etc.). In the records of Thomas, "the royalty of the father" is the royalty of the one who realizes the model of the light of self-awareness as the father, and "lights to the all world."

Seeds-occasions - fruit: (8), (9), (14), (21), (35), (40), (41), (45), (57), (73), (103).
- Seeds-occasions are not objects, but events, moments, contacts, etc., occurring here and now.
Seeds-occasions are sown in a man by the light of self-awareness or by the man himself (9).
Initially, all seeds-occasions are neutral in themselves (57). Their harmfulness or usefulness is determined by the attitude of a man towards them. A man either ignores them, or adds them to the experience, or turns them into delays-attachments, or instantly processes them by 5 trees (9).
- The fruit is in the same way not an object, but an action - filling a man with the light (61) and the lighting by a man "to the all world" with the light of self-awareness (24); and also Jesus, royalty as action.
But delays-attachments (57), as well as "superfluous-harmful" - words or actions to delay other people on them (45) - this is, in fact, not a fruit, but, as it were, overripe remains of the fruit.
(From some dictionary: καρπός - also harvest, product, result.)
-- Good seeds-occasions - those that give a good fruit - filling with the light of self-awareness after devastation after their instantaneous processing by 5 trees - see (9), (21), etc. They become good if a man reaps the fruit in a timely manner (is constantly in the initial) and remains hungry (69), devastated (61) (without daydreaming/remembering) - so as not to delay on the ripe fruit - so that it does not become an attachment.
-- Bad seeds-occasions - those on which a man delays, after which he becomes attached to them, from which a thought arises in the form of a daydreaming/remembering. Thought in the form of a daydreaming/remembering, in turn, contributes to delays on seeds-occasions. However, if it is forcibly stopped, the man is emptied to be filled with light (61) (he is emptied even better, since this thought in the form of a daydreaming/remembering can take the place of attachments - as if pulling them towards itself). This produces good fruit. If the thought in the form of a daydreaming/remembering continues, it distorts the records of experience, which can contribute to new delays on the seeds-occasions (anti-circle) - these are, as it were, the rotted remains of the fruit.
- The inconsistency of the sown seeds-occasions of thought in the form of a daydreaming/remembering created by one or another model can cause a man to reject these seeds-occasions ("bad mood"), and hence the lack of devastation for filling with the light of self-awareness (57).
- In sayings about seeds, fruits, harvest, there is no growth phase.
Sowing of good seeds and reaping of good fruit can only happen simultaneously.
- Receiving news, information, knowledge about a certain event cannot be a seed-occasion, since a remote event cannot be processed by 5 trees here and now. But the words of a specific man addressed specifically to you can be a seed-occasion, even if this man is not nearby, and the words are transmitted by means of communication. Because at this moment you are processing by 5 trees the contact with the world, which here and now is a continuation of this man.
- Utterances are seeds-occasions sown by man (45): either for devastation after instant processing by 5 trees, or for delays. In the first case, a man says in the state of primacy; in the second, he is a part of the corpus-world.
- Contact with other man also becomes a seed-occasion for a man depending on his models and attachments. This seed-occasion, like ordinary seeds-occasions, is transformed by a man, accordingly, into: gathered by birds; into experience; into attachments; into instantly processed by 5 trees (into the emptiness to be filled with the light of self-awareness) (9). It can be mutual.
-- When you see (hear, etc.) a man, you see him as someone who can see you just as you see him. These are mutual seeds-occasions: contact with him is the seed-occasion for you, and contact with you is the seed-occasion for him. These seeds-occasions should not be for delays-attachments to this man, but for devastation (after instantaneous processing by 5 trees) yourself and him for filling with the light of self-awareness ("likeness" in (84)).
-- When you see (hear, etc.) another object (including an animal), and if contact with it is the seed-occasion for instant processing by 5 trees and devastation to fill you with the light of self-awareness, you see it as something that cannot see you just as you see it. That is, contact with you cannot be a seed-occasion for an object (including an animal).
-- When you see (hear, etc.) a crowd of people, and if contact with it is the seed-occasion for instant processing by 5 trees and devastation to fill you with the light of self-awareness, you see the crowd as something that cannot see (hear, etc.) you just as you see it. After all, contact with you cannot be a seed-occasion for a crowd, which is also an object, since the crowd is simply a part of the corpus-world, a part of you.
On the other hand, for some specific people in this crowd, the one and the same seed-occasion can be sown - contact with you as someone who can see (hear, etc.) each of them in the same way that each of them can see (hear, etc.) you.
- Sometimes a man suddenly begins (even unconsciously) to sow seeds-occasions for himself (73) that would give him the opportunity to recognize himself (69). These are, as it were, enhanced seeds-occasions that give a man shocks (71) for: awakening (10); friction from struggle (68); remelting and crystallization (16); the birth of "the that one in you" (70); devastation (28). This is not about getting short-term thrills for adrenaline, but about changes that bring him closer to the state of Jesus (82). At the same time, the corpus-world (as a continuation of the man) also changes noticeably in the form of changes in the surrounding people (7), (13), (70).

Strong point: (4), (24), (32), (60), (64), (68), (70), (76), (99).
Usually translated as "place". However, in the original there are two different words: "place" - ⲙⲁ; and in cases where it is not about space, but about shelter, base, support, fortification (fortress) - ⲧⲟⲡⲟⲥ. This is not a place, but a state of a man: a state of emptiness (lack of daydreaming/remembering) to be filled with the light, a state of returning to the initial, a state of shelter in a constancy, in 5 trees - "look for a strong point for you in a constancy..." (60).

The light of self-awareness: (5), (9), (11), (17), (24), (32), (33), (50), (61), (73), (74), (77), (83), (96), (100).
In the original - simply "light" - ⲟⲩⲟⲉⲓⲛ. However, nowadays the word "light" is most often associated with a purely physical sense: with photons and waves, as well as with vision. But the text talks about the light of self-awareness existing within a man, which is a father in relation to a man, and a man is "filled with" him same (61) and by him same he "lights to the all world" (24). Therefore, in the explanations, not just the word "light" is used, but "the light of self-awareness."
The light of self-awareness is not a substance, but a state of a man. It is also the state of a man as Jesus.
- The light of self-awareness is like a father who gives life to a man "from within", "whose sign in you is a change (along) with a constancy" (50).
- To hear the directive of the father (33), (79); to produce from the model of the light of self-awareness as the father the real light of self-awareness (83).
- To light to the all world (24): based on the model of the light of self-awareness as the father, give the world value, meaning, or significancy, meaning.
On the other hand: "you will become in the light" - you will become without the corpus-world (11). That is, the physical world is necessary for a man of the light of self-awareness, and a man of the light of self-awareness is necessary for the physical world.
- In (77) it is said that the light of self-awareness is Jesus: "I am the light, this one who is over them all. I am the all. The all came forth from me and the all reached me." And in (61) there is an expression "to be filled with light." So, with the presence of the model of the light of self-awareness as the father, with liberation from attachments and influence of models, with the absence of daydreaming/remembering, and also with the presence of seeds-occasions for devastation, a man fills with the light of self-awareness, becoming Jesus. Thus the real light of self-awareness opens up (83).

Thought: (25), (28), (63), (87), (112).
Found in four fragments: (25) - love your brother like your thought; (28) - my thought gave pain on the sons of people; (87) - a suffering is the thought that pulls these both down together; (112) - thought pulls the organism down, and vice versa. This word is always feminine.
- Thought is awareness of the records, operating with them using the quinary system (imagination based on combinations of 5 trees), practical design for 5 trees (design is not predicting an object in the future, but the formation of the object that actually exists here and now in its initial stage - in the form of its description), as well as correction (cleaning) of experience records; or a thought is a daydreaming/remembering created by delays-attachments and models.
An untimely thought (63) in the form of a daydreaming/remembering distorts experience (creating an anti-circle) (87), (112). For example, the model of a philosopher (as well as a believer, etc.) forces him to create concepts divorced from reality, which further divorce him from reality, from comprehension of real experience.
- Daydreaming/remembering is a disease of thought, which it becomes infected with from untimely visits to infectious places: records of the "past" and "future". A daydreaming/remembering is like accumulating static electricity that must be constantly reset by returning to reality. The thought must return to its place - to the place of the instrument.
- In 3 fragments the thought is associated with negative aspects: with pain due to the lack of buffers; with suffering from the delay; with woe from the delay.

- "The unified ones" - "1—2": those who are made unified one from unified one, who return to one, who are undivided, whole. Some translate it as "solitary ones" or "solitaries", which is completely wrong; moreover, such a translation carries a negative connotation (outcast, abandoned, misunderstood). For Trofimova, it’s a little less incorrect: "the only ones" or "to stand as the only ones".
- In fact, the theme of unity (like almost all other themes) is present in many other fragments (almost most of them). The very concept of "unity" is part of other concepts or includes them, for example: "primacy", "royalty"...
- Unity of inner and outer; unity of the initial and the last; unity of a constancy and a change.
- Unity of father and son "1—2": from one → to one with one: when you sit in a comfortable house and you look at the beautiful rain outside the window - you are the father; when you go out into the rain - you are the son; but both are simultaneous, unified. Unity of father and son + unity of five trees (2 + 5): (16), (48).
- Unity as one model of the light of self-awareness as the father, in contrast to many models that are records of behavioral patterns - traditions. That is, division and lack of unity lies in the orientation towards many models. The state of the child: only one model of the light of self-awareness as the father (22).
- Another option for the lack of unity: division into delays on seeds-occasions, which turn into records-attachments, which generate a thought in the form of a daydreaming/remembering, and the latter (thought) again makes a man to be divided into many delays.

Will not taste death: (1), (4), (11), (18), (19), (59), (60), (61), (85), (111).
In the records of Thomas, there is no word "resurrection" anywhere. But the complete absence of death for those who live is repeatedly affirmed: 3 times - "(he) will not taste death"; and also: "he will live", "those who live will not die", "so that you do not die", "in order to you do not become corpses", "the one will die, the one will live", "(he) will not see death".
- Usually the desire for life is supported by the fear of death. But in the records of Thomas it is said that the desire for life comes from the light of self-awareness and is supported by primacy over the world, and death for those who live this way does not exist at all.